Unicorn Valley 1: Gryphon’s Heart Read online

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  “Friendship isn’t what I want from Teema anymore. I want her also as a mate. The question is, how to approach her? Could I be the aggressor? Well, yes, I can manage that. How does one approach a Werebitch? Simply walk up and take? That seems a bit harsh and overdone.” If it weren’t Teema herself he needed to approach, he’d ask her for advice. “Blast it all, this needing a mate disrupts a perfectly well-ordered and logical life. I’ll go find Teema right now and settle the issue like the good friends we are. Together, there might be a solution.” He put down the crystal in its place on a small table, where it caught the morning light.

  He turned to go to the cliff edge where he’d transform and fly down, but Teema stood there already. Instead of her usual gray tunic and trousers, she wore a green gown cut so low in front his human mouth watered. Her brown hair was loose instead of braided, and her eyes glittered in the afternoon light. “May I come in?” she asked.

  * * *

  Teema waited at the cave entrance for admittance, unsure of her reception. Lionel might still be angry at being turned into an ass, no matter what Nin-Kaa said. The three females, Teema, Kella, and Nin-Kaa, had put their collective heads together and planned a seduction, which Kella declared “no fail.” Flying up here was no difficulty, but transforming her normal -- and much warmer -- clothing to this excuse for a dress made her hands shake with fear as well as cold.

  Lionel gaped at her like he’d lost what wits he’d possessed before he nodded. No wonder. He was in humanoid form, and therefore much more susceptible to emotions and, yes, lust.

  Teema glanced down at the bulge in his trews before she swept by him to go to the fire. The thought of what that bulge represented made her wet and threw her into heat.

  Lionel realized what his body showed because he cleared his throat and stammered like a lack-wit, “I was just going outside to transform and…”

  “Find me. Yes, I know,” Teema grinned. She conjured a mage fire to produce a little heat as well as light. She’d be damned if she’d get naked and frolic while she shivered. “You were talking to yourself.”

  “I was?”

  “Yes, you were. I’ll be happy to tell you how to approach a Werebitch if you’re interested to know. I may even show you.” Teema shot him her best seductive “come hither” look over her shoulder. “There! The fire will warm up the cave quick as a wink, if you’ll seal the entrance. It’s a bit chilly if you don’t have fur or feathers to keep you warm.” To make sure, she sealed the entrance herself with a light mage shield.

  Lionel sat down on the divan he kept for Shadow to sit upon. It was closest, and he made a vain attempt to cover his hard-on with his tunic. Belatedly, he offered, “I’d be happy to change back to Gryphon and warm you with my wings if you wish. You should’ve brought a cloak if you insist on being in human form.”

  Teema shrugged and sat down next to him on the divan. “I didn’t think of it. Don’t you dare transform. I like you this way.” She reached up to stroke the hard biceps under his sleeve. “You make an extremely attractive human, you know, with that tawny hair like a lion’s mane and those big eyes like amber. You made this form as big and strong as a human can be without over-doing it.”

  “I, uh, copied Shadow a bit.” He held himself rigid, as if afraid to move.

  “And wisely so. However, you made the chest broader to reflect your strength of wing. Did you do it on purpose?” She stroked a pectoral muscle to emphasize this was no clinical analysis, no matter what her words said.

  “No, it just feels more natural. Teema, what’re you doing? Human form is…” His gaze fell on the floor.

  “Always in season. Yes, I know. In fact, I’m depending upon it. I’m showing you how to be the aggressor, of course.” She reached down, took his right hand, and put it to her breast before she squirmed close enough to nibble on his ear. “You’ll show me you can be passionate, won’t you?” she whispered, alternating licks and nibbles to his earlobe with her words.

  His hand cupped her breast willingly. “I think I can manage that,” he purred. “But shouldn’t we wear less clothing?”

  “Mmmm… good point.” Teema released his earlobe and started to wriggle away, but Lionel’s large hand closed on the neck of her gown and ripped it away with one pull.

  “Is that more aggressive?” he asked, with his amber eyes wide and innocent.

  Teema looked down at her naked body in the shreds of her dress, and nodded. She was thoroughly wet with need now, from that one gesture of dominance. “That’s more like it, Lionel. Can you manage more?” she begged.

  “I think so,” he laughed, and pinned Teema to the seat of the divan, throwing her backwards until her head dangled over the edge. “I’m beginning to like this,” came a soft growl before he inched forward to lap gently at one pink nipple. One hand released her to cup that breast and bring it up to become a mouthful.

  Teema heard her own growl of response. If she could’ve moved, she might have spread fully beneath him, but she was effectively pinned except for the one free hand that crept up and fisted in his hair.

  Lionel paid no attention to her hand in his hair, but nibbled and nipped, and reveled in her tiny gasps and pants. He lingered until the nipple was swollen and hard as the rock walls of his cave before he bit his way to the other, nipping gently at the underside of each where the white flesh was tender. “Now here’s meat to nibble upon, but never chew,” he remarked to the new pink nipple before giving it the same treatment as its twin.

  “Oh, really? We’ve shared many a bone between us, Lionel, but I’ve got a bone in mind that also needs nibbling upon,” Teema panted. She used the thigh trapped between his legs to caress the hardness she found there, making sure he understood her meaning.

  Lionel gave one last nip to the little pink rock in his mouth before he released her. His eyes gleamed in the firelight, reminding her he was a much larger carnivore than she was, under any circumstances. It gave Teema a thrill to know he was larger and stronger. She was sure he’d have all she had to give by the night’s end.

  “If that is to be so, my darling, then I must make you wait there long enough for me to remove my own clothes, as you’re too little to remove them as I did your gown.” He grinned, showing white teeth that had recently clamped themselves around her tender flesh. “And I think you might be better for the anticipation, hmm?” His hands went to the laces of his tunic and untied them with teasing slowness.

  Teema grinned back at him, knowing as well as he she could’ve removed his clothes with a wisp of her magic, but willing to watch him strip out of his tunic and trews. She made to sit up to get a better view, but found a large hand holding her down.

  “No, you don’t,” he chuckled. His tunic went over his head in a flash, leaving him standing in a linen shirt and his brown trews.

  “But I want to watch,” she pouted. “With my head upside down, I can’t appreciate fully.” She wouldn’t admit that from this angle she caught a wonderful view of the bulge in his trews, and it made her mouth water.

  With his shirt coming up over his head, the sight of the full size of his hardness made her gasp, but Lionel answered, “Too true, love. Patience is a virtue, you know.” He began to unroll his trews, and as he bent down, his full hair obscured what was undoubtedly a magnificent sight. When he stood, the full glory of his erection revealed itself.

  Teema’s eyes widened. That was more than a mouthful, and certainly more than she’d ever accepted into her body before!

  With an evil grin, Lionel snatched her from the couch, and carried her upside down toward the bed. With her head so near his cock, Teema couldn’t resist. She took as much as she could into her mouth.

  A low, growling moan and a cessation of forward movement told her she succeeded in surprising Lionel, but he planned one of his own. With one hand holding her in position, he took one of her legs and threw it over his head to bury his face in her juices.

  Teema concentrated, emitting growls and tiny moans to signify when
he hit the right spots, and went to work on his pleasure. Her hair brushed the floor with the bobbing of her head, moving up and down on the largest cock she’d ever attempted to swallow. Giggles threatened thinking about the appellation many bitches gave the male anatomy, since it was also the title of a male Gryphon. Scraping her teeth on the underside was accidental, but his moans indicated he liked it, so she was happy to oblige.

  Lionel lifted his head to warn, “I’m going to sit, Teema, and then we’ll fall into my nest. I’ve got you, I promise.”

  “Mmmm!” was Teema’s response. Then they fell over the edge. Teema knew it wasn’t far to the soft inner mattress from the pillowed edge ring that gave the nest its shape, but it seemed to happen in slow motion. Lionel’s impossibly strong arms held her in position. Teema released his cock to avoid biting, but as soon as the bed stopped bouncing, she sucked the tip back in her mouth ready for more. The warm, spicy smell of Gryphon filled her nostrils, reminding her of whose bed she was in, no matter what form he took.

  She tried to scramble to her knees, but Lionel flipped her expertly onto her back. “I can’t let you have any superior position, you know, if I’m to be the one in charge,” he laughed. Before she could protest, Lionel moved off her and down to between her legs. “But I reserve the right to enjoy any tasty flesh that pleases me, and this satisfies a sweet tooth I’ve not indulged in some time,” he murmured before plunging in. His hands pushed her knees until she was exposed utterly to him.

  Teema covered a shriek as he found her clit and ruthlessly attacked it. The sound of her voice echoed and bounced off the cave walls. Her sensitive Werewolf nose filled with the smells of aroused bodies, overriding the spicy scent of Gryphon, and enhancing her pleasure. Teema’s world focused on what Lionel’s tongue and lips did. Her hand fisted in his hair once more, as her pleasure peaked. “Lionel, oh gods, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop!”

  Lionel didn’t stop, but took a finger and plunged it into her wet pussy and pumped. Teema gasped, was still for a moment, like a Gryphon poised to jump from a cliff, and then she soared, screaming. Lionel lapped happily, ensuring she flew to the sun before he allowed her to subside and return. When he lifted his face, his finger remained inside, and he slowly withdrew it as she shuddered and peaked repeatedly.

  Teema held out her arms, eyes glazed and still panting, and begged for what she didn’t have the strength or wit to ask aloud. She spread her legs wide, and lifted her hips. “Please,” she panted. “Please!”

  “Insatiable, insatiable,” Lionel chuckled. He knelt between her knees, hands near her shoulders, and cock now poised at the threshold. Rubbing her clit with the head, he closed his eyes with pleasure before inching in, bit by bit.

  Teema gasped, and clenched her legs tightly around him, willing herself to open and allow so much inside. Even his slow entrance caused multiple orgasms, causing her to clench and release around his huge cock. Finally, he was buried deep inside.

  Lionel trembled above her and Teema opened her eyes to see the strain on his face. “Have me!” she begged. “Take it all, Lionel!” Her hands clawed at his back, pleading with her body just as much as with her voice.

  Teema knew instantly when his control snapped, and he plunged wildly, ramming into her with no mercy or quarter asked for, or given. Pounding ruthlessly, he took what she offered until her body released and relaxed, allowing him full access. His breath came in great pants, and the musky smell of male in full arousal overwhelmed everything else. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed around the cave chamber in time with his ragged breaths and Teema’s continued cries urged him onward as her orgasm began again.

  Without warning, he stopped, still breathing heavily, and fully inserted within.

  Teema focused her eyes. Lionel gazed down at her, as if memorizing her face at this moment. Then he reluctantly withdrew. “No,” she begged. “More, please, more.”

  A ragged, panting growl answered. “More you shall have, my lovely bitch. However, I wish to take you as a Werewolf might, from behind. To do that…” With a grunt, he was out. “You must be…” He flipped her over, and lifted her hips while she panted. “On your stomach!” His cock, still slick with her juices, caressed, and found the opening. He plunged in, and filled her while she shrieked her pleasure.

  Never had Teema been filled so completely, or treated so ruthlessly, as Lionel now buried himself repeatedly with greater power and faster speed. Teema found her face in the sidewalls of the nest, buried her face there, and tore the mattress with her fingers. The echoes, filling her ears as if hundreds of bitches screamed in multiple ecstasies, multiplied Teema’s cries.

  A low, inarticulate growl filled the chamber, growing louder and louder, drowning out her cries as Lionel built up to his own orgasm. He roared like a lion, and his hands grasped her buttocks, firmly holding on as he buried himself to the hilt hard and fast.

  When Teema was sure his voice would surely be lost, Lionel gave one long screech and plunged in so deeply she thought he might rip her in two. Tiny jerks told her he’d given himself completely, but she exhorted him more, begging him to fill her with all he had, and he obliged.

  When Lionel was spent, he collapsed on Teema’s back, managing to put down his hands to keep from crushing her. Teema, in soft, encouraging whispers, lowered him gently until he laid full length upon her, with nothing but his powerful arms to mitigate the weight.

  They rested there until their breathing became less labored and the air around them chilled. Lionel’s penis softened, and gave her one intimate caress on the clit before separating itself from her body to rest between her thighs.

  Nothing had prepared Teema for such a performance from the male she loved. She made her decision to be his mate and bear his young. She would become a Gryphon, and fly.

  Finally, Lionel rolled onto his back, gathering Teema in his arms. “Thank you, Teema,” he whispered. “It may not be traditional with your people, but among mine it is polite to thank a lady for the use of her body.”

  “I’ve no objections to courtesy, Lionel,” Teema assured him. “And I thank you for the most wonderful experience I’ve ever had. Truly.” She played with the hairs on his chest, and snuggled into his shoulder. “I’ve but one question,” she said, and then hesitated.

  “What is that, my love?”

  “When will you be up for another round?”

  Lionel laughed, and rolled on top. “Now,” he answered, and bent down for a long, lingering kiss.

  Teema concluded happily, there were ways to fly without wings.

  Chapter 4

  Teema woke feeling warm and safe, snuggled in Lionel’s arms. Getting out of the nest was problematical, because Lionel had her effectively pinned. He took up a large portion of the available space, no more used to sharing than she, but at least Teema ended up with the blanket she’d conjured before they fell asleep. The need to get up became urgent.

  Easing her hair out from under Lionel and getting his heavy arm off without waking him took time. Her bladder threatened to burst, but finally she was free. Standing naked beside the nest, Teema conjured her favorite tunic and pants. Then she snuck out the cavern entrance, changed to Gryphon, and took off to glide down to the meadow for a bit of privacy.

  Lionel woke as Teema turned to leave, blinking sleepily. With her hair tangled, and her eyes still full of sleep, she was the loveliest creature in the world to him. By the time it registered she was leaving it was too late. He sprang out of the blanket and peered over the nest edge, intending on calling her back. He was in time to see Teema change into the Gryphoness who’d tempted him to break his honor the day before.

  With his mouth hanging open, his fury rose. “What game are you playing, bitch?” he snarled to himself as she lazily caught a thermal and glided out of sight.

  He clawed his way out of the nest, so furious he forgot he was stark naked until the cold of the morning air touched his most private parts. Never one to enjoy morning, this served to double his fury
. “I am not understanding,” he growled, losing his command of human tongue and reverting to Gryphonic syntax. “A deception this is? In honor, I stayed. Lied, you did!”

  He couldn’t hold on to a human form, and didn’t wish to do so. In a full rage, his talons clawed the packed earth floor, and his wings mantled. “Have this out now, we will!” He hit the cliff edge running, soared, with an eagle’s scream torn from his betrayed heart.

  Teema sighed with relief, still in Gryphon form. “There are many advantages to being a Gryphon,” she mused to herself. “I love this more than I ever thought I would. I’ve a thousand questions to ask Lionel when he wakes. I’ll go hunt up a nice deer for us to share, and…”

  A Gryphon’s scream above warned her, as Lionel stooped before landing. Now she saw a Gryphon cock in a towering rage, wings outstretched, talons raking the ground, and eagle eyes looking at her like prey.

  Gryphonic instinct took over, and her feathers slicked. Teema’s head went down in a gesture of submission she understood only dimly. “Lionel, what is wrong?” she begged, backing up. He was terrifying!

  “Lied, you did! Why did you not tell me you were the Gryphoness who tempted me? Deceived, I am! In honor, I stayed when you tempted me to disobey! WHY?”

  Horror and shame made Teema’s nares flush. If she’d been in human form her face would be red, and she looked down at the ground. She backed up further without answering.

  Lionel took this for an admittance of guilt. “YOU LIED!” he roared. Birds and small creatures fled the meadow.