Unicorn Valley 1: Gryphon’s Heart Read online

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The stranger released his hold on Aahz’s throat with no further ado, and sat back on his haunches, allowing Aahz the dignity of rising. “Wonderful fight, Aahz! I don’t suppose we could spar sometime after I finish with my mate?” the stranger asked cheerfully. “And let’s clear something up. I don’t want your pack. All I want is Teema, over there. The rest I yield back to you.”

  Teema stood there in shock, and flattened her ears. “No,” she whispered. “No!” She turned and fled, too frightened to think.

  * * *

  Lionel chuckled to himself as Teema turned tail and ran. “Well, I’m off to claim my mate. Brolly, I’m sure, will see to your injuries, Aahz. See you around!” He glanced at Brolly, who looked in the direction Teema fled, while laying on the ground panting in Werewolf laughter.

  It was an easy trail to follow with his new sensitive nose, even if her tracks didn’t clearly lead him along. He loped after her, with an easy pace that was a combination of both lupine and feline grace. She was headed for the meadow and probably Kella’s home, thinking she’d be safe there. He caught up with her at the edge of the forest.

  “Hey, Teema! Wait up!” he called, using his own voice now. It was brilliant of Brolly to suggest he alter his mind-voice a bit.

  Teema slowed, looking up at the sky for the Lionel she knew. It gave him enough time to pounce, forcing her to the ground on her stomach. “I win!” he laughed in his growling Werewolf voice, feeling freer than he ever had. “You were right, Teema. Werewolves feel ever so much more.”

  “What?” she panted, looking confused.

  Lionel remembered who and what he was. “Have I not won you fair and square, according to pack law? Do you submit, bitch?” he growled. He’d dominate her, and planned to enjoy every moment. There’d be time enough to tell her later how much he came to relish Werewolf sex. Cold logic be damned.

  If she’d been in her human form, she’d have been sobbing, he thought. However, he also smelled her arousal. “I submit,” she whined. “But please, I love another!”

  “Oh, really?” he snarled. “Do you think I care? You’re beautiful and therefore desirable. Your wishes, at this moment, are no concern of mine. Do you understand, bitch?” He enjoyed this little deception. “Return to human form, and not clothed,” he commanded. “And don’t look at me. Hang your head, and prepare to be used.”

  Teema transformed, sobbing, her hair hanging down to cover her face so she couldn’t see, and on her hands and knees. Lionel transformed with her, and took a handful of her hair while he still loomed above her back. With his other hand, he checked her juices, and found Teema wet and just as sweet as before. At her gasp, he chuckled. “You’re a sweet one, aren’t you? Also, very ready. Don’t look. You made me chase you down. You don’t get to see my human face yet. Only what you need to know, and what you need to know right now is this.” Lionel put his rigid cock between her legs, poised to enter from behind.

  Teema gave a sound that was half-gasp and half-sob, and then whispered, “Yes. You’ve the right.” Another sobbing whisper, “I’m sorry, Lionel. I’m so sorry.”

  Lionel couldn’t resist. “Are you apologizing to your former lover, sweet Teema? It’s too late for that. You’re mine now.” He plunged in, hard, and nearly slammed her into the dirt of the meadow.

  Teema cried out, not in pain as one might expect, but in pleasure. “Oh, Gods! You’re as big as he is!”

  He rode her hard, barely giving her time for a pause, pounding into her with a need he’d not known he possessed. With every thrust, she gave a small, whimpering sound, as if determined not to enjoy the experience and fighting her body’s own reaction. He bit his lip to keep from roaring his pleasure, as he’d done the night before. Her cries took on a different note -- one of shrieking ecstasy, and the pulsing of her orgasms pushed him close the edge.

  It was the hardest thing he’d ever done to slow and stop before he spewed within her too soon. Lionel stayed planted deep within Teema’s pulsing body until she, too, subsided.

  “Wh… why did you stop? Oh, please, finish and have done with me!” Teema begged. However, her body told Lionel a different tale. More, it said. I want more.

  Lionel tugged on the hair he still held in his left hand. “I ask again, Teema. Do you submit?”

  Weeping, she nodded. “Yes, damn you! Yes!”

  Lionel let go of her hair, and returned his voice to normal. “Then why didn’t you turn me into an ass again?” he laughed, and pushed her until she fell over facing upward, still beneath him.

  Lionel counted the heartbeats while Teema’s mind assimilated it was Lionel who’d fought the pack leader, won, and dominated her even as he fucked her to shrieking orgasms. “Lionel!” she screamed.

  “Surprise, my darling!” he laughed, thrilled with the emotions that now poured out of him. “I love you!” Without giving her the chance to answer, he kissed her thoroughly until her arms grudgingly came up around his neck.

  When Lionel kissed her neck, the first coherent words formed on her lips. “You… you love me?” She bared her neck in submission and trust.

  “With all my heart, my beautiful mate,” he whispered to the little morsel of an earlobe he chewed on.

  “Oh!” she moaned, as he moved lower to satisfy a taste for perky pink breast meat. “But Lionel, you didn’t come yet.”

  Lionel devoted himself to the twin on the other side. “True, my darling. I’ll get to that in a bit. Still, I’ve a mind to enjoy myself and take my time.”

  Teema’s eyes glazed over, and she answered thickly, “Oh. Well, be my guest.”


  Teema’s eyes flew open. “No?”

  Lionel grinned and grabbed her arms. “No,” he said firmly. “I’m not your guest. I conquered you, and you submitted. Do I need to prove to you who is in charge here, again?” He made to flip her back over on her stomach.

  Teema yelped. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! You’re in charge! I submit!” She panted, and her eyes betrayed her need.

  “Good. Then we understand each other.” Without warning, Lionel grabbed her ankles, and put them on his shoulders, sliding in effortlessly, and began to fuck Teema with all his considerable strength. This was no gentle lovemaking, but rather that of a male who knew his power and wasn’t afraid to use it.

  Teema bucked wildly, clawing the earth, as she matched him stroke for stroke in perfect rhythm. “I’m yours! I’m yours! Claim me!” she howled, her eyes as feral as her nature. There, raking the earth with her nails was Lionel’s perfect mate. He reveled in that knowledge, even while his body demanded release.

  Pounding furiously, he put all his effort and attention to planting his cock deep within Teema’s willing body, with her shrieking encouragement. It didn’t matter who heard or saw, though it was convention in the Valley, those particular sounds meant to give the area a wide berth lest lovers be disturbed.

  Lionel didn’t bother to stop or slow down when he poised at the edge of the precipice. He roared, “Say it, Teema! Say it while I claim you!” He needed to hear the words from her lips, unforced. He needed to know she loved him as much as he loved her.

  “I love you!” Her body shuddering with orgasm, she kept repeating, “I love you!” while Lionel gave himself over to his own orgasm, roaring at the top of his lungs. The shrieking cries of a mating cat melded with the howls of a wolf. No doubt remained in Lionel’s mind that he had won the heart of his wolf. She would be his for all eternity, and there would be fur and feathers both in his nesting cave.

  When Lionel finally collapsed into the grass beside Teema, he drew her into his arms and murmured in her hair, “I love you too, Teema.” Both were asleep before they realized it.

  When Lionel awoke, dawn broke in all its glory. However, it wasn’t light in his face that awakened him, but Teema’s lips wrapped around his cock and sucking vigorously. He was already rock-hard, and the erotic dreams he’d had melded seamlessly into reality.

  Teema, alert to his awakening, went to work with
a will. To tease him, she nursed on just the head until he thought he’d go mad. When he began to quiver, she released him to flick out a tongue and catch the gleaming crystal-clear drop that formed at the tip.

  Her hand held him upright for easy access, stroked and played with his shaft, keeping him aroused while allowing him a moment to cool down.

  Lionel sat up on his elbows. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and noted that Teema’s hair was wet. There was a stream not far from this place, so he assumed she’d made use of it. She smelled as fresh as the meadow that surrounded them.

  The twinkle in Teema’s eyes told him she’d observed he was fully awake before she attacked his cock, taking as much of him into her little warm, wet mouth as she could.

  Lionel didn’t bother to stop the moan that escaped his lips. Teema’s soft tongue slid up and down the bottom of his shaft, while her free hand caressed his balls or stroked the area beneath them. He threw back his head to stare at the sky and roar his release as he felt his balls tighten in preparation. He preferred to plant his seed deep within her, but he decided to let her have her way this glorious morning.

  Suddenly, she released him and sat back on her heels with a smile. “Good morning!” she grinned.

  “And good morning to you too, my love,” he laughed, and reached for her.

  Teema moved out of his grasp, with a wicked smile. “I realized something this morning, Lionel!” she announced. In a twinkle of magic, she changed to Gryphon form. Laughing, the Gryphoness took to the sky. “We haven’t made kittens yet!”

  No Gryphon cock could’ve resisted the look she shot him over her wings. Lionel scrambled to his feet and followed her into the sky, laughing and shouting, “Cubs, dammit!”


  Shadow winced as another ear-piercing whistle rent the air. He didn’t know how much more he could endure tonight, but he was determined to visit Lionel and Teema’s nesting cave as often as he could stand the noise.

  Lionel batted one of his Gryphlets across the room with one wing while the other three pounced on his back or worried his tail with a small beak. His purring laughter bounced off the cavern walls.

  Teema, already pregnant with the next litter, batted her son back into play with one swipe of her wings as he bounced against the nest. Another whistling shriek of laughter had Shadow longing to cover his ears, but smiling nonetheless. He toyed with his wineglass and prayed the game would be over quickly.

  Lionel bounced to his side and casually dragged the one worrying his tail along with him. “They should tire shortly, Shad! Sorry for the ear-splitting racket.” He bound back into play.

  Teema leapt from the nest and waddled over to lounge next to his divan. One little Gryphlet came to snuggle against her side and was fast asleep. “I’ll be glad when their flying lessons start next month.” She leaned in to preen a feather back into place on the little snoring head. “Is it true the Herd Stallion is thinking of retiring soon?”

  Shadow sighed, unafraid to show his unease. “Yes, Teema. Will you be able to join us for my challenge fights at the summer solstice?”

  Teema purred. “I should be, Shad.” She watched as Lionel deposited the other three tired Gryphlets in the nest for a bed.

  Lionel changed to his human form and came to sit next to Shadow with a tired sigh. He clapped Shadow on the shoulder. “Your playboy days are nearly over!” His teasing came out breathlessly. “Have you a filly picked out to be your Queen Mare?”

  “No.” Shadow knew that one word came out flat and rude. He attempted a smile to hide his heavy heart. “I’m too busy for that right now.” He got up and caressed Teema’s beak in goodbye, then punched Lionel’s arm.

  Laughing, Lionel hit back. “Too busy sampling all that’s offered, no doubt! You’ll never settle down with a whole Herd to pleasure.” A bawl from the nest sent Lionel running.

  Shadow stepped out into the cool, quiet night air. The sounds of night insects and the rustle of a gentle breeze were all that he could hear. His breath whooshed out in relief. “Never is a long time, my brother. If I could find a filly as peaceful as night’s music, I might.” He sighed. “I don’t want to rule alone.”

  to be continued…

  Unicorn Valley 2: Stallion’s Heart

  It's bad enough Shadow must win the position of Herd Stallion by challenge, but if the herd found out he loves an Elf, he'll have more than one fight on his hands…

  Unicorn Valley 3: Healer’s Heart

  What's a simple Werewolf healer to do when a goddess, who can swing both ways and wants that in a mate, falls in love with him?

  Lena Austin

  Lena Austin is a “fallen” society wench with a checkered past. She’s been a licensed minister, hairdresser, realtor, radio DJ, exotic dancer, telephone service tech, live-steel medievalist swordswoman, BDSM Mistress, and investment property manager. Not necessarily in that order. She never finished that degree in archaeology, but did learn to scuba. After a life like that, gardening is pretty restful. Of herself, Lena writes, “I’m tall, presently red-haired, and I look like an unholy mating between an Amazon and a librarian.”

  Visit Lena’s website at www.geocities.com/voiceomt2002/Lena-Austin.htm